
Lee Valley

Lee Valley

It’s always exciting to have a representative from Lee Valley on the speaker list!  Nell Grond gave us a great...

Photos From Past Shows

Photos From Past Shows

The BC Fuchsia and Begonia Society has proudly hosted many annual shows.  Here is a selection of photos from previous events....

2018 Mini Competition

2018 Mini Competition

The Sweepstake Mini Show was definitely a success!  Although the membership decided that it was best to postpone the bigger...

Garden Tour 2018-08 August

Garden Tour 2018-08 August

Welcome to the Incredible Garden Tour of 2018! These photos capture only a fraction of the flowers and plants within...

Show Table 2018 – 07 July

Show Table 2018 – 07 July

What a spectacular “Show Table” for the July 2018 meeting!  There were many interesting and carefully cultivated plants to inspire...

Container Gardening

Container Gardening

It’s always nice to have members from a fellow garden club presenting! Lucette Wesley and Syl Davis from the South...

Water Wikka

Water Wikka

What an inspiring presentation by Lynda Braun! Who hasn’t experienced trying to revive a dried out potted plant or basket?...

Edible Ornamentals

Edible Ornamentals

Plants that are lovely… and you can eat them too?  “Ornamental Edibles”  was the title of Mike Lascelle’s “delicious presentation”....

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