
April Meeting

April Showers Bring May Flowers (We deserve a LOT of flowers!) This meeting we proved how well we could work...

Growing Competition 2023

Growing Competition 2023! Our April Meeting will focus on this year’s three Growing Competition plants! The pre-paid plants and pots...

Creative Containers by Candice Ferguson

             It was easy to tell that Candice Ferguson loves to create containers in all...

March Meeting

Welcome back to our Monthly Meetings! It was lovely to see so many of our friends again and to start...

November Meeting

Our November meeting was certainly a busy one!Our AGM went smoothly, and as you will read in the minutes, all...

Plant Care in Late Summer and Fall by Ron Kok

    Ron Kok certainly gave us a timely as well as informative presentation. We are so grateful to have...

October Meeting

The October meeting was a little too early for “spooky stuff” but it was definitely on our minds. (Thank you...

September Meeting

September’s meeting was right after the Harvest Fair at the Bonsor center, so it was quite the whirlwind schedule this...

Growers Delight by Dwight Young

Tonight’s presentation focused on a new organic additive which was developed in 2017 as a family-run business and sourced in...

Bonsor Center Fall Display

I have to “tout our own horn” this month, because what an excellent display we put on at the South...

August Meeting

What an exciting meeting… for the Annual Growing Competition!  Check out the winners for 2022! Along with the competition was...

Annual Growing Competition

The Annual Growing Competition elicited a lot of excitement, as usual!  There were stories of disasters, dried out pots, and...

July Meeting

July!  Oh my!  What an exciting meeting with speaker (Hendrik Meekel) bringing in SO MANY specimens of exquisite butterflies, moths,...

Butterflies in our Gardens by Hendrik Meekel

Check your Eardrop newsletter for the print version! Great information… and an even greater reason to JOIN the BCFB SOCIETY!...

June Meeting

What a great second meeting of 2022!  Some of our old “traditions” were reinstated and it felt like “old times”! ...

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