September Meeting
September’s meeting was right after the Harvest Fair at the Bonsor center, so it was quite the whirlwind schedule this month!
Nonetheless we had a good Parlour Show, Lucky Draw, plants & books for sale, and all the other makings of a great Club meeting.
The Parlour Show winner was a delicate pink trailing begonia by Sally Iverson.
Bloom Contest winners: Fuchsia Delta Sarah – Ron K., Red ruffled begonia – Nora B. Martha Washington pelargonium – Nora B.
“Tale of Woe” Award
Every so often “Mother Nature” likes to keep us humble.
Dianne V. had the most magnificent Triphylla Fuchsia bush for our Parlour Show… right up to the afternoon of our meeting.
When she went out to collect her beloved plant, this was all that was left! Deer had chomped down on every flower and leaf…
as well as a good portion of her flower garden! I’m sure some tears were shed!
Our condolences and sympathy go to you, Dianne!
Do you enjoy puzzles?
Here’s a fun (free!) puzzle link to explore.
I made the puzzle from one of our meeting photos! Try it out!
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