Annual Growing Competition

The Annual Growing Competition elicited a lot of excitement, as usual!  There were stories of disasters, dried out pots, and outright failures… but the lovely plants on display showed off a lot of “Green Thumbs” as well.

Here are some of the beautiful plants.

Here are the talented (with a bit of luck too) winners this year.

Fuchsia Winners:
1st place: Melanie G., 2nd place: Dianne V., 3rd place: Nora B., Random Draw: Elaine D.

Begonia Winners:
1st place: Melanie G., 2nd place: Dianne V., 3rd place: Elaine D., Random Draw: Nora B.

Pelargonium (Geranium) Winners:
1st place: Melanie G., 2nd place: Nora B., 3rd place: Sally I., Random Draw: Lorne I.

Congratulations to ALL the participants!

Hope you will ALL consider joining the FUN of this competition next year!