2018 Mini Competition
The Sweepstake Mini Show was definitely a success! Although the membership decided that it was best to postpone the bigger BC Fuchsia & Begonia Show at VanDusen Gardens for another year, we certainly did not miss out on having a bit of competitive fun. Members purchased predetermined fuchsias, begonias, and pelargoniums (along with designated containers) at the May and June meetings and then brought their carefully tended plants for an August competition. There were 21 members participating with 52 plants.
It was your Blog Editor’s first time entering a plant competition, so I tried them all! (which turned out to be to my advantage!) I learned a lot (for instance, how to safely transport your precious plants to a show) and made lots of mistakes (if it’s going to be in a show, then don’t grow it where it has conifer needles raining down on it constantly). Some members had plants that “passed away” (whew, mine all survived even if they were a month too late in flowering) and some members had delightful surprise successes (Ruth can attest to that!) A big thank you goes to all the organizers! (Jeanne N. and Ron K. for judging, Diane V. and Melanie G. for being judging clerks, Lorna H. for chairing the Show, Anne N. and Catherine W. for tabulating winners on the computer, Lynne F. for organizing and placing entries, Nora B. for taking photos).
Here are the winners for 2018.
Trophies: Best Fuchsia in Show – Don C. (94 points); Best Begonia in Show – Ruth K. (95 points); Best Pelargonium in Show- Lynne F. (80 points).
Rosettes: Best Fuchsia Basket- Don C. (94 points), Best Begonia Basket- Ruth K. (95 points).
Fuchsia Upright (Eden Rock): 1st Lynne F. (90), 2nd Lorraine K. (89), Nora B. (85.5)
Begonia Tuber (Bouton de Rose): 1st Margo D. (91), 2nd Otto Z. (82), 3rd Lynne F. (80)
Pelargonium (Tango Orange): 1st Lynne F. (80), 2nd Marilyn C. (75.5), Nora B. (75)
Begonia Basket (Belleconia): 1st Ruth K. (95), 2nd Terry (80), 3rd Nora B. (70)
Best Sweepstake Fuchsia 2018: Don C. (94)
Best Sweepstake Begonia 2018: Ruth K. (95)
Best Sweepstake Pelargonium 2018: Lynne F. (80)
People’s Choice: Fuchsia – Don C., Begonia – Ruth K., Pelargonium – Nora B.
Most Points in the Show: Nora B. (382.5 points)
- 1st -Begonia Tuber
- 2nd -Begonia Tuber
- 3rd -Begonia Tuber
- 1st -Fuchsia Upright
- 2nd – Fuchsia Upright
- 3rd – Fuchsia Upright
- 1st – Pelargonium
- 2nd – Pelargonium
- 3rd – Pelargonium
- 1st -Begonia Basket
- 2nd – Begonia Basket
- 3rd – Begonia Basket
- 1st – Fuchsia Basket
- 2nd – Fuchsia Basket
- 3rd – Fuchsia Basket
- People’s Choice Fuchsia
- People’s Choice Begonia
- People’s Choice Pelargonium
- Best Fuchsia Sweepstake
- Best Begonia Sweepstake
- Best Pelargonium Sweepstake
- Best Fuchsia Basket
- Best Begonia Basket
- Our President!
- 1st -Begonia Tuber
- Fuchsia Trophy
- Best Fuchsia in Show
- Best Fuchsia in Show
- Pelargonium Trophy
- Best Pelargonium in Show
- Best Pelargonium in Show
- Begonia Tropny
- Best Begonia in Show
- Best Begonia in Show
- Best Begonia in Show
- Most Points in Show Trophy
- Most Points in Show
If you didn’t enter the competition this year, I highly recommend you get on board for next year. It is a fun event that supports our Club and provides a wealth of conversation starters, gardening experience, and laughs as well!
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